This Is the Plan!

We look at the Metropolitan Plan through five basic themes (Climate Change, Living Environment, Public Spaces, Housing and Development, Public Amenities).

We present these topics so they are easy to understand.

The exhibition is divided up into two parts – two cerebral hemispheres – rational and emotional. The rational – explanatory – part of the exhibition is located in the White Hall, it serves as a spot for public discussion. The Black Hall, on the other hand, offers mostly an emotional experience, it encourages the visitor to perceive the environment attentively and sensitively. The floor is optically enlarged by five playful animations. There is an eye- shaped opening carved in the large projection screen, through which the visitors can see different locations of Prague. The locations were selected with respect to the diversity of the city and are seen in actual size.

The layered narrative of the exhibition allows the visitor to engage with the Plan in his own way and pace. The layers are of the equal importance and together they form a whole. We also offer enough time to contemplate the diverse interaction between the city and nature, this is supported by painters interpretations and also animations which play with time.

In this time oasis the visitor can get lost into magic moments where nature meets the city or poetic moments from the life of the city like when strangers meet at a bus stop, a morning jog in the park or those few seconds before a kiss. The whole exhibition is conceived as a love letter to Prague.   

Art Direction

Martin Hejl

Architecture and Design

Martin Hejl, Lenka Hejlová, Jan Nálepa, Natália Kaňová

Director of Photography

Branko Avramovski

Art and Animation

Milan Martinec, Long Phi Trieu, Petr Janák


Long Phi Trieu


Martin Hejl, Kateřina Šípková

Sound and Music

Pavel Jan

Light Design

Jan Nálepa


Alžbeta Šimková


IPR, AVT Group, 20YY Designers, Virgo Advertising and others


Matej Hakár, Branko Avramovski

Other projects

Famous Czech Composers
Memory of the Nation at Stalin