Mirrors of Zlín
The multimedia exhibition Mirrors of Zlín reflects the 700-year-old history of Zlín. The first thing we see is a distinctive view of the development of the city and its surroundings by Pavel Kosatík, which we enhanced by adding some drawings.

This results in an intergenerational dialogue between the text and image, which also influences the rest of the exhibition. What follows is a film that immerses you in the past with a sequence of paintings which take the visitors back in time and show the city at various times, seasons and in various lights.
The highlight of the exhibition is a collection of fluid-shaped speakers which are placed among some of the beautiful trees in the park. At dawn we can hear a polyphonic chorus of voices of real and fictional characters from different times and places. At dusk you can hear a sound composition which celebrates cyclical time, the seasons of the year, and also the equinox and solstice.

In the background we use the sounds of one of the seventeen bell towers in the Zlín region. Every month you can hear the sound of a different bell. The sound is supported by light effects which create a playful alternative to the street lights in the park.

The Mirrors of Zlín exhibition is open now, but at the same time it holds a promise for the future restoration of the Zlín castle and the park.

Art Direction
Architecture and Design
Art and Animation
Sound and Music
Light Design
Graphic Design
Audio Video Solution