The Drama Club
The theatre always aimed to be different. Experimental, at one with and close to their audience. A group close to one another. A Theatre for people. But they ended up becoming exactly what they didn’t want to be. A Revival was necessary. They needed to strip the theatre to its core principles.
We installed a new theatre sign inspired by the look of cafes and cinemas in Prague the First Republic. We replaced the theatre’s small windows with large fully openable ones. These enable the theatre to be connected to the street. The public spaces of the theatre are usually calm and quiet, a place for a good coffee or chat, but in the evening it can becomes a lively bar, like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

We reduced the size of the theatre props storage area and created a new space – an alternative theatre space, a place for experiment, and a great meeting point for young artists. We provided a way for the theatre to became what it wanted to be.

Architecture and Design